Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Albert Einstein once said, "Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance you must keep moving" - 

I knew I liked Einstein!

Moving is all we've done in the past few days!
Moving "stuff" that we don't want or need anymore - to give away or dispose of
Moving treasure that seems so important to us now (but we won't remember it in a year) - to storage
Moving ourselves to live with friends for one more week
and that's just on THIS side of the world!

My sweet husband has hit the ground... moving!

And -- it's paid off

We have a flat!  - It is located near to many of our friends, close to shops, and has solar water.. yes, I said WATER!  Today, while Colorado hit record breaking temperatures, well below 0 degrees F, Mick spent his first nite in our home in KTM.  He dragged in a mattress to sleep on the floor, bought a heater, and promptly sent us an email from "home".  woo hoo!  progress!

Will post photos once I have them!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, congrats on the new home! Wish we could've been around to help you all move - I've got a strong pack-mule of a husband. ;-)

    Can't wait to read of your adventures, and even more, see some pictures!

    <3 Genevieve
